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How can a traumatic brain injury slip past your notice at first?

On Behalf of | Oct 21, 2023 | Construction Accidents |

In the realm of health, the silent assailant often proves to be the most dangerous. Traumatic brain injuries, also known as TBIs, still manage to slip past your notice at times.

These injuries, often caused by a blow, jolt or penetrating head injury on a construction site, can be deceiving at first, leading you to underestimate the severity of the impact. Understanding how a traumatic brain injury can infiltrate your life is important for early detection and intervention.

Deceptive start

A seemingly innocuous incident, such as a mild fall or a bump to the head, may not cause you to immediately worry. Symptoms might not manifest immediately, creating a false sense of security. The brain’s structure allows it to absorb shocks and trauma, sometimes delaying the emergence of issues.

Unseen struggles within

Microscopic injuries can disrupt neural pathways and trigger chemical imbalances. Cognitive functions, emotional stability and even personality traits may undergo subtle changes. Loved ones might notice a shift in behavior, but attributing it to a traumatic brain injury might not be the first thought.

Masked symptoms

One of the challenges in identifying a TBI lies in its ability to mask symptoms as common stressors or unrelated health issues. You may think persistent headaches, difficulty concentrating and mood swings are just signs of work stress or life changes.

Unfolding impact

As time progresses, the impact of a traumatic brain injury can unfold like a silent storm. Cognitive decline, memory lapses and impaired motor skills become increasingly evident. By this stage, the injury might have progressed to a point where intervention becomes more challenging.

Moderate to severe TBIs happen in 500 out of every 100,000 TBI cases in America. The unseen struggles within your brain need you to take a proactive approach to identify potential TBIs before they evolve into more severe conditions.